Create Moments of Slowness

Appear the sunrise, the thrill of a new day, the warble of magpies in the distance, and the faint rustle of leaves before the winds get up – Morning vibrations spreading over the surface of the earth, pitter-patter of small feet down the hallway approaching for morning cuddles and giggles.

And then – COFFEE – Coffee is so much more than a beverage – it is a community!

In 2022 I am looking to find a coffee blog – where my day will start with Coffee (literally) and also time for a 5min blog. On searching best blogs for 2021 – and by best for me I mean it has to be worth reading/listening to and it should teach me something, be entertaining, and give me a new and fresh perspective on the way that I think.


I have found a few blogs to follow and am starting my time with;

Zen Habits – (zen habits – breathe zen habits)

And the first read over coffee has been about Slow Holidays- learning to create spaciousness and slowness for me. And so, it is quite appropriate to bring this to the table and share it.

The blog notes that the holiday season can be a rushed affair for many and that it doesn’t have to be. Leo (the author) notes that there are some ideas for slowing the holiday season, and I am taking some of these onboard for the next little while;

  1. Create space – if we want it, we need to create it intentionally – learning to block off time, time away from devices, a work-stop time during the holidays; intentional time of space away for reflection, meditation, journal time – whatever you require, create the space for it.
  2. Celebrate slowness – what could work-spaces and personal life look like if you do something a little more slowly, instead of rushing – creating a slow hour or two with loved ones, being leisurely and deliberate in your time.
  3. Simply celebrations – simplify gift giving – reduce the amount of stress, money spent… let the holidays be about the time together without the fuss, worry and stress. See my next blog on some simple gift-giving tricks!
  4. Create simple rituals – what small rituals help you to slow down, be intentional, and savour? A morning reading, a daily walk. A hot slow cup of coffee rather than a quick gulp before heading out the door.
  5. Reflect in quietude – Spending some quiet time each day, or each week, reflecting. Reflect on how this year has gone, on your victories and lessons. Reflect on what has been coming up for you lately, and what the learnings may be from it all. Reflect on what you want in life, and how you might take responsibility for creating it. Reflect on what you love most, what is most important and what you are grateful for.

I concur with Leo let us create some slowness this holiday season, be present, and enjoy the space that is in front of you – 

I wish you all a delicious slowness and joyful quietness this holiday season.