Honour you

Honour and love your physical and non-physical self – the body, mind and spirit. Allow them all to move into balance as you realise all have equal importance. You are not your mind, you are not your body, and you are not your spirit – you are all of these together, a beautiful combination that the Universe celebrates as you.


Feel this and celebrate the amazing relationship you have with you – for this is the most important relationship you will ever experience and everything else in this reality reflects that.
Close your eyes, and place your hands at your heart. Say to yourself:

“I love you. I accept you as you are, you are important and your life counts.”

Feel the words resonate through you, illuminating the star within your heart. You are what you are – it is time to fully accept the beautiful physical and spiritual being that you are.
No more resistance and putting yourself through pain by trying to be something you are not. Feel your star radiating unconditional love and light to every cell in your body. Feel enlivened, harmonised and loved in the presence of your sacred heart. Let all be as it is.