I am Mrs Andrea Rowe

Having children means that you need to show up… EVERY. SINGLE. DAY! And that means that you show up wearing your mama badge, being the first cuddle of the morning, having the ‘right’ breakfast available, getting the uniform sorted, making lunches, wiping snotty noses and getting the kids to the school gate on time.

It also means that you are the mama that shows up to your ‘job’ (whatever that may look like, yes even the stay at home mama has a ‘job’ to keep things in order and it is one job that is SERIOUSLY undervalued, and underpaid.. blogging about that another time!)

And for me, that means being the “Master Blender” for Mrs Andrea Rowe. 

Mrs Andrea Rowe

A Life of Abundance

That picture is my favourite to date of me and my hubby on our big day. Ged (Gerard) is my amazing supporter in this life. And none of this would be possible without him cheering me on.


One Proud Mama

I am the proud (and sometimes tired) mama to two beautiful small people, Jade (5) & Mykah (4) Yes the math means they are 11 months apart – not bad considering we didn’t think we could have kids!

I am continually exploring, growing

and always learning.


And hands up if you think that life should be more than just ticking off a to-do list, endless loads of laundry and feeling overwhelmed… Yeah me too… so on this journey, together we shall even find ways and techniques to move from exhaustion to liberation!

As we move through to the end of a first long(ish) introduction, I will be offering some slices of modern mama life with two kids, sharing oil blends/products with you, making these available for purchase, and even see to invite / link us into some amazing peeps to support the life we all desire.. one of no more self-sabotage, and putting yourself dead last on the priorities list.

A life of abundance…If that idea excites you, see you soon… I’m so glad you are here. xxoo

Intuitive Healing Practices

I have been making my own products and blending oils for 15 years and have recently opened the doors to this for others to see and experience.

This involves intuitive healing practices, crystals and one-on-one consultation with clients to determine the best blends for the right purpose!

I am passionate about carefully curating oils that promote and enhance wellness.

Book a Consultation